Die berühmte Frage nach den OMAS Minen

The famous question about the OMAS mines

Posted by Anja Gebler on

The Omas brand is currently experiencing a revival. The beautiful fountain pens are being produced again in the classic sizes and colors. But so far only fountain pens.

There are many loyal fans of Omas ballpoint pens and rollerball pens. Unfortunately, they used special dimensions for their replacement refills. And so it was becoming increasingly difficult to find them. But there is a very simple and pragmatic solution to this: the refills were manufactured by Schmidt with slight modifications for Omas writing instruments. In the end, these refills were no longer branded for Omas.

The simple solution is to use these Schmidt refills. It is the S8126 refill from Schmidt, a capless rollerball refill. However, this only fits if a small modification is made: at the end there is a stepped seal between the ball tip and the ink shaft. Here one of the rings has to be shortened with a wallpaper knife. Then you have an OMAS rollerball refill again. Compare it with your old original refill!

PS: even if it sounds like a craftsman's solution... This is how OMAS really made the mines for their customers in their last weeks in Bologna! ;-)

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